Friday 2 December 2011

How to remove unwanted applications in Facebook

Want to Remove Annoying Facebook Applications ?

Facebook apps often can be annoying for you.If you want to  get rid of a Facebook applications? This is guided steps to get rid of unwanted apps.

Step 1 . Log in to Facebook and  click on the small triangle shaped arrow at  the top right  corner of the page and choose the option ‘Privacy Settings’.

Step 2 .Following step 1, click on the link that says ‘Edit Settings’ located at the right extreme of the Apps and Websites area.

Step 3. At the right extreme of the ‘Apps you use’ area, click on the button that says ‘Edit Settings’
This will lead you to list of  all the applications you have been using.

Here you can option( X at the right extreme of the app) to remove unwanted apps. After confirming the operation , the the application will be removed from your account and it will no longer have access to your Data.  Feel Relaxed !!


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