Popular Malayalam actress Samvrutha Sunil tied knot with Akhil Raj, a computer engineer working in the US, at the Vaava Cliff House in Kannur on November 1, 2012.
The marriage took place in the presence of close friends in the industry and politicians. Lal Jose, actors Kunchan and Anne Augustine attended the wedding.
Having made her debut in 2004 through the film Rasikan directed by her mentor Lal Jose, she has starred in over 30 Malayalam films and in a few Telugu and Tamil films. She established herself as one of the leading actresses in Malayalam cinema with popular hits like Arabikkatha , Chocolate, Thirakkatha , Boomi Malayalam , Cocktail, Manikyakkallu , Swapna Sanchari , and Diamond Necklace.
Akhil is a software engineer from Kozhikode, who works in the USA. Even though the ceremony was in November 2012, their wedding registration took place in 2011.This was done so that she would get a visa to settle in the US by the time their wedding ceremony took place.
Post marriage, Samvrutha has decided to take break from film career .
Wishing couple a happy married life ahead.
Check out the video of Samvrutha Sunils wedding here -
Samvrutha Sunil's Wedding Video
Check out the marriage photos of Samvrutha Sunil and Akhil Raj.
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Lal jose and family at Samvrutha's marriage |
Samvrutha Sunil Marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil's marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil's marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil's marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil's marriage with Akhil Photo |
Samvrutha Sunil's marriage with Akhil Photo |
Shobha Beautiful Telugu Actress Photo Album
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